Anurag Kashyap's daughter Aaliyah Kashyap's pre-wedding festivities have started. Aaliyah, who got engaged to her boyfriend Shane Gregoire last year, hosted a fun-filled haldi ceremony for friends and family members. The official photographer Four Fold Pictures shared some unseen pictures from the ceremony on its Instagram feed. In the pictures, the couple can be seen sharing mushy moments. They can be seen sharing a cosy kiss as well. The picture that has our heart is the one in which Anurag Kashyap can be seen holding his son-in-law (to be) Shane in an adorable way. The picture is clicked in gray scale. Aaliyah's BFFs Khushi Kapoor and Muskan Chanana feature in the pictures as well. Take a look:
Earlier, Anurag Kashyap also shared a picture from his daughter's Haldi ceremony. The soon-to-be-married couple was seen covered in flower petals and turmeric paste. Take a look:
BFF MusKan Chanana shared an inside video from the ceremony and wrote, "here we go!! let's get you married my love." Take a look:
On Saturday, Khushi Kapoor hosted a bridal shower for Aaliyah Kashyap. The daughter of director Anurag Kashyap wore a white, body-hugging outfit for the special day, while bridesmaid Khushi channelled her inner Barbie with a cute pink outfit. The event ws also attended by their close friends - Sakshi Shivdasani, Ida Ali, Kareema Barry, Muskan Chanana, Pearl Malik and Manika Malkani. "Kickstarting the wedding festivities," read Khushi's caption. Take a look:
Aaliyah Kashyap and Shane Gregoire got engaged in an intimate ceremony in Mumbai last year. Aaliyah shared the news with her followers on Instagram in May 2023.
from NDTV News- Special
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